
Oke Triks: Cara Mengatasi Account Twitter yg ke Suspensed

Cara Mengatasi Account Twitter yg ke Suspensed

Hai semua , yang suka cari Followers di Twiter. Terus tiba2 akun kesuspend ? Nih alasan Twitter ngeSuspend akun twitter lo :
  • Penggunaan AUTO FOLLOWER yang terlalu Berlebihan ( 2 Cukup kok )
  • Penggunaan AUTO UNFOLLOW yang berlebihan , Jangan digunakan bagi followernya masih sedikit antara sekitar 5000 Kebawah ! Gunakanlah Alami saja ..

Tanpa basa-basi , langsung ke pokok masalah ya !!

1. Buka E-MAIL Twitter anda yang kena Suspend
2. Buka WEB :
3. Isi :
REGARDING -> Suspend Account
SUBJECT -> Account Suspend

Dear twitter,exposed to suspend my account. and Iapologize if I am wrong in using twitter.but I do not understand what the error tomy account suspended. help me so that myaccount could be in use again, because thisaccount is the account belongs to thecommunity. thanks very much

FULL NAME - Nama Twittermu ( Ex : Eyang Google )
TWITTER USERNAME - User Twittermu ( Ex : @EyangGoogleBRO )
EMAIL ADDRESS - Alamat Email Twittermu 
PHONE NUMBER - Ga usah di isi

4. Setelah selesai Klik Submit , kemudian Cek Email anda !
5. Apabila mendapatkan Balasan Email dari Twitter
6. Langsung REPLY / Balas Email tersebut seperti dibawah ini :

Dear twitter, exposed to suspend my account. and I apologize if I am wrong in using twitter. but I do not understand what the error to my account suspended. help me so that my account could be in use again, because this account is the account belongs to the community. thanks very much

7. Langkah terakhir , tinggal SEND / Kirim dah :)) 
8. Tunggu 1-3 Hari , apabila masih belum hilang Suspend.nya langsung saja kirim lagi , cara tetep sama seperti yang diatas !!


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